
Thursday 15 September 2011

The 2011 Bollywood Competition

My heart was racing with excitement as I eagerly waited to attend the 2011 Intermediate Dance Off competition at the ASB Stadium.

We came early to school to practice the item we were going to perform at the competition. I got to try on the brand new costumes and they looked fabulous! We went through our item several times to be perfect for our performance.

Finally we left, all crowded in the van, feeling anxious about what was going to happen when we perform.
We entered the stadium feeling amazed at the layout of the stadium. A lot of schools also arrived in a little while after us and they looked really competitive but we never let that get to us.

There were many performances that we enjoyed watching before our one. The bright lights were really dazzling and the spotlights were really awesome. When it came to our turn to perform that was when we really felt nervous, hoping that our performance was going to impress the judges and the audience.

Our performance was so awesome that I just felt speechless. I was also really keen to perform again.

It was then time for the presenters to tell us the results. Our hearts were pumping and we were so happy and proud that we got awarded $100 for the best costumes but sadly Bucklands Beach came third, Mission Heights came second and Henderson came first but we didn’t let that get us down. We walked out still feeling proud that we at least represented our school proudly and won $100 for best costumes. A big thank you to our wonderful and committed trainer Amber.


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